Don’t Confuse Fame with Success

There is an allure for fame that is constantly nagging at us every time we hop on social media.

Via Instagram it’s easy to wonder how someone has so many followers and why others are so interested in their lives, their kids, and their selfies. You compare yourself to others so much more now even though you do not need another reason to feel unsure of yourself.

You may think you want that life they lead. The traveling, the products they post about, the casual “day in a life” that’s posted… it seems that they have it all.

Fame is one thing, success is another.

Think about all the likes and comments and retweets and shares and then REFOCUS.

How do you define success? For me it’s much more then a pretty picture. Sometimes I stress about getting the right post, but then I remember I have bookings and clients and contracts to close which brings much more value to me then a few styled pictures. So what do you value? That’s the question…is it fame? Is that how you define success? What about a healthy family, a career that you feel inspired by, and friends and hobbies that fuel you?


When you get lost in the black hole of spying on others through social media remember:

1.  People only post what they want you to see. They are looking for the most traction, so they are going to post what will give them the greatest response.

2.  While our social feeds are filled with trips by peers and bloggers you follow, you are working towards your degree, creating alongside co-workers, or booking new business.  Your daily schedule is just as important!

3.  Sometimes perfect posts can lead to other opportunities (that’s why many of us strive for it), but when it takes away from what matters most just chant “fame versus success, fame versus success” before you exit out 🙂

4.  Ask yourself: Is this real life? And then re-valuate what your real life actually is and how great it is. Don’t let the comparison make you feel less than. We all do it. DON’T!


For more tips like these and to learn how to take your business to the next level, reach out about my business consulting program. Can’t wait to connect with you!

XO, Leila

20 responses to “Don’t Confuse Fame with Success

  1. Thanks for this! It’s easy to forget that Instagram isn’t always real life! 😉

  2. I’m so guilty of this! Thanks so much for sharing! Always a good reminder 🙂

  3. I have to remind my self of this too!! Love sharing with our IBT community today!

  4. Thanks for sharing! I have definitely been struggling with this lately. It is a good reminder to keep what is important in focus 🙂

  5. Wow this was very impactful. I’ve had many of my High school and College years dealing with the “need for likes” issue and this was very inspiring!

  6. I love this post!!!! I know I am a few months late to read this, but it is so relevant. Thank you for being so transparent. Much love! xoxo

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