4 Things to Try For a Healthier Week

Here are the 4 things we’re trying this week to consciously make a healthy impact on our bodies! Try them along with us and tell us how you do (plus share your tips) in the comments!


1. Meal Plan

Cooking for the whole week ahead of time is super helpful for for avoiding those takeout/eat out nights and staying healthy. We love Danielle Walker’s recipes & weekly digests where she shares a lot of the meals she ate that week! Here are a few more simple & healthy recipes.

2. Consume Coconut Oil… Every day!

This article gives reason after scientific reason to why you should start adding coconut oil into your diet/replacing your other oils with coconut oil. It was eye-opening for us. Now, to easily incorporate it we put 1 tbsp in our coffee in the morning and blend it – it actually makes it the consistency of a latte! We also use the Coconut oil cooking spray from Trader Joe’s.

3. Heidi Powell’s Bikini Body Workout

This is serious business – and exactly what we need to whip our booties into shape. Plus, you can do it at home with just a pair of dumbbells in under 30 minutes.

4. This Song

There’s nothing better than a good song to amp you up for a workout – and JT’s “CAN’T STOP THE FEELING” seriously makes us want to move. Hit repeat.


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