Must Haves When Traveling with Kids

School’s out for summer, which means it’s the start of family vacations! Traveling with kids can be tricky, especially with toddlers, as they’re more mobile than babies, but aren’t as independent as kids. Whether you’re road tripping, flying, cruising or camping – these are some of our must haves when traveling with kids for keeping them happy while on the go!

Photo via Hello Fashion

1. A designated sleeping area for your kiddo is a must. We find that having the same sleeping space each night despite being on the go makes a big difference in the quality of sleep our kids get. And when your vacation is filled with lots of activities, a quality night’s sleep for everyone is a must! For younger children, we never leave the house for an overnight trip without a package and play, or a travel crib. We love the Breeze and the Travel Crib Light – both are so quick and easy to set up and take down. And for older kids, a fun sleeping bag can work wonders! Here are some great ones: flamingo, Star Wars, swan.

2. Snacks are at the top of our packing list when traveling with kids. As any veteran mom will tell you – a fed child is a happy child. It’s amazing how many meltdowns are resolved with a snack! We keep things simple when traveling, packing a variety of treats from some of our favorite brands: Nurturme (their quiona crackers are always a big hit), Plum Organics (love their squeeze packs!), Happy Family (their puffs and yogis have never been turned down) and Bare Snacks (mom hack: if you’re running low on snacks, almost all Starbucks will carry their apple chips!). We also only travel with our Miracle 360 cups because #spillproof.

3. A diaper bag backpack is another travel necessity. Having your hands free to hang on to luggage, snacks, a squirly toddler(s), is essential. We personally swear by the Freshly Picked bag and the Paperclip bag. You’ll never catch us traveling with kids without those! Make sure to pack extra clothes, hand wipes/sanitizer and this changing pad!

Photo via Barefoot Blonde

4. For transporting kids through the airport, campground, train station, etc. it’s important to have a game plan. Kids 2 and under can be worn through security at the airport, which we find easier to manage than taking the stroller through! Of course, our go to’s for that are the Solly Baby wrap and Ergo carrier.

When traveling with multiple kids, a stroller can be a lifesaver for containing them. We love the Uppababy Vista for its compact and narrow design. Plus, it can be configured to fit 2 kids of varying ages! For outdoor adventures like camping, we prefer the Bob strollers, which are made for being active and going off road. The airport also lets you check car seats for free, and one of our best mom hacks is to buy a car seat bag like this one. It a) protects your car seat, and b) car seats have no weight limit, so you can cram that thing full of whatever doesn’t fit in your suitcase or carry on.

5. Lastly, all kids need some sort of entertainment, especially if taking a long drive or flight. Some of our kids’ favorites include: Kindle Fire Kids Edition (and don’t forget fun headphones to go with it!), Water Wow pads, magnetic books, and finger puppets. We also recommend equipping your kids with screen shades to protect their eyes time spent on the tablet and the harmful bluelight emitted. Toddler & kid sizes are coming soon to! If your kiddo is old enough, get them their own backpack to store all their goodies in! Here are a few of our favorites: bunny, unicorn, dinosaur and traditional.

What are your necessities when traveling with kids? 

3 responses to “Must Haves When Traveling with Kids

  1. These items are all so helpful! Heading to Europe for the first time with my one-year-old, now I feel confident in our travel needs! Thanks for sharing!

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