How to Make The Most of The ‘Fall Back’

With the leaves going from green to red and the winds changing from warm to cool, it is no wonder autumn is considered the season of change. But as we experience a change in our environment, we adjust our clocks accordingly to embrace this shift. Yes, of course this means one night that we get one extra hour of sleep, but today we’re here to show you that there’s more to this occasion than just sleeping in. These tips will help you officially walk into autumn with open arms and make the most of the end of Daylight Savings Time as you trust-Fall back into more PM hours.

1. Catch those Zzz…

Photo via @hartman_haus

Although we think you should take complete advantage of all the holiday food and leftovers, we also tend to overlook resting and sleep as means of nourishment. But, making sure you get a good night’s sleep helps with overall performance in work, play motivation, and weight control. What do we suggest? Make an effort to start going to sleep earlier! We promise your body will thank you for those few extra hours.

2. Say “No” to Screen Time

Photo via Apartment 34

Darker days are upon us, but that doesn’t mean we have to light up our lives with artificial lights and screens! Embrace this moment to be present and connect with friends and family. We promise your mates’ boomerangs will continue to move and the bachelor nation will continue to promote their podcasts, and you’ll realize that you didn’t miss a thing! There’s a lot to do in this world of ours and this is the time to take advantage in the best way by focusing on quality time with people you love!

3. Hit the Reset Button on Your Wardrobe

“Hey Alexa.. Play ‘Cleaning Out My Closet’ by Eminem! But really… this couldn’t be a better opportunity to take a look at what’s working in your closet and what to put in the ‘Donate’ pile. While you’re at it, come up with a list of items that are essential to your Fall look and by the time Black Friday sales roll around, your wardrobe will be as good as new again!

4. Vitamin ‘D’ for Daylight

Photo via @HumNutrition

As the sun sets around 4pm, it brings a drawback to Daylight Savings Time: your exposure to sunlight decreases, which affects how often our bodies produce Vitamin D. As you all may know, soaking up sun rays is the #1 natural enabler for our bodies to produce vitamin D, promoting bone growth, regulating our mood and boosting our immune system. As we fight with Mother Earth for more daylight in our day, make sure to take the proper steps needed to maintain internal equilibrium. Whether that’s taking vitamin D supplements, or making active efforts to spend more time outdoors, we want to be sure we prevent ourselves from ‘falling’ into a seasonal emotional gloom.

5. Fall back into Breakfast

Photo via @LangerNutrition

Spend the extra time to get a healthy start to your day! Whether it’s a pickup order at your favorite smoothie shop, a meal-prepped Starbucks inspired protein box, or a moment in the kitchen whipping up a frittata, this is time well spent on fueling your body. Pro-tip: meals that are high in fiber and low fat proteins are the way to go for feeling your best in the AM!

6. Time to Party

Photo by Sanaz Photography

We are no math experts, but we’re pretty sure longer nights + cooler weather = holiday party? Yes, it really is November and that means the holidays are making a fast approach. Take advantage of this one extra hour to plan the soiree of your dreams before everyone solidifies holiday vacations!

What are some ways you make the most out of your ‘Fall Back’ hours?


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