How to Create a Morning Routine That Sets You Up for Success

If you’ve ever read The Power of Habit, or just caught yourself falling into the same pattern over and over again, you know there is something to be said for routine. And if you’ve ever woken up on the wrong side of the bed, you know that how the morning goes affects the entire day. This is why it’s important to create a morning routine that sets you up for success! Kara Swanson, of Life Well Lived, is walking us through the morning routine that works for her personally, which will hopefully help you map out steps to similarly impact your day(s) in a positive way!

Call me crazy but I love Mondays. Don’t hate me. It hasn’t always been this way. But the busier my business and personal life get, a morning routine becomes vital for keeping me sane and on top of everything. I thrive on routines and that’s exactly what greets me on Monday mornings.

I used to fight the idea of having a morning routine…like can I just sleep in until my kids do? But then I realized I kept waking up frazzled, anxious, and feeling behind before the day even started. Waking up just an hour before the day truly begins helps me focus, and sets the tone for the whole day. I end up feeling refreshed and ready to give my best self to the world.

Your morning routine doesn’t have to be complicated, and if you really think about it, you probably already do certain things every single day when you wake up. And it’s okay to start small. Wake up 15 minutes early and slowly increase it until you’ve found your sweet spot. Morning routines look different for everyone but like John C. Maxwell said, “You will never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine. ” Choose your top 4-5 non-negotiables and work them into your daily routine. Here’s how I start my morning and hope that it gives you some ideas to begin your own morning routine.

1. Drink a big glass of water

Drinking water is a great way to rehydrate after a long night of sleeping plus it kick starts your metabolism. It also helps me start my day with the habit of drinking water.

2. Prayer + Affirmations

Prayer is a way to quiet my heart and mind. I pray for the day ahead and ask for strength and energy. I also set my intentions for the day and say some affirmations so I begin a positive dialogue with myself.

3. Lemon Water + Apple Cider Vinegar

This has become one of my favorite morning habits and there are so many benefits to drinking ACV. Read all about it here. Lemon water helps flush the body naturally and aids in digestion. Here’s how I make my morning drink: Juice 1⁄2 lemon then add 1-2 tbsp ACV to 16 oz hot water. And if I don’t get to it in the morning I like to make a Limeade Apple Cider Vinegar Mocktail ​in the afternoon.

4. Focused work

The early morning is when I love to get my most focused work done…like writing. I’m more creative and have less distractions when I write in the mornings. Having some quiet focused work makes me feel like I’ve already accomplished a lot even if it’s only for 30 minutes. Running a business and being mom all at the same time can be challenging, but this has helped tremendously.

5. Workout

The longer I put off my workout the more likely I won’t actually do it. So early morning or right after school drop off is my happy place for getting my sweat on. And if you only have 15 minutes for a workout try a HIIT workout on the treadmill that will blast a lot of calories in a short amount of time. A simple HIIT workout that you can do about anywhere is to jog for 30 seconds and sprint for 30 seconds until you hit 15 minutes.

Full disclosure, my young children can wake up anytime during this and I do tend to workout after they are up, but this is how I like to start my day. Not every morning is perfect, but it sure helps getting started off right. And remember, it’s not about perfection. Be able and ready to pivot and go with the flow if your morning routine doesn’t go quite as planned. What does your morning routine look like? Comment below, I’d love to hear!

Get more of Kara’s lifestyle tips with these Healthy Foods to Always Have in Your Kitchen, and How to Successfully Meal Prep!

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