The Perfect Mother’s Day Bouquet Tutorial

Mother’s Day is right around the corner and if there’s a gift we know all mom’s love it’s flowers! We would also say something homemade and heartfelt. So Jessica Zimmerman of Zimmerman Events is walking us through how to create the perfect Mother’s Day bouquet with a step by step tutorial and some GORGEOUS blooms!
You’ll need a few supplies:
  • Flowers + Greens of your choice
  • Snips
  • Floral tape or zip tie (I use zip ties!)
I begin by doing the prep work:
  • Place all supplies on a work table
  • Lay out all the flowers + greenery you want to use. I personally like to use a large variety of flowers + greens when creating my bouquets. I go by a floral recipe which includes large blooms, medium blooms, small blooms, texture (i.e. berries), dancers (ones that jump out to add interest + dimension – i.e. tulips, ranunculus) and at least three different types of greenery.
  • Remove thorns, large leaves or unsightly petals from the flowers


Building the bouquet:
  • Gather a few, sturdy stems to create the foundation of the bouquet.  (Save your “dancers” for the end!)
  • Hold the bouquet in one hand and use your other one to grab a single flower at a time to add in; this will prevent over-handling and possibly ruining the flowers
  • Continually add greenery as you add flowers for an organic, lush look.


  • Place each flower around the bouquet foundation to create your preferred shape.
  • Adjust the height of each flower to create a variety of shapes; I prefer a more organic shape, free-flowing shape as opposed to an even round ball.
  • Add your “dancer” flowers by gently tucking them between other blooms and allowing them to extend a bit further than all other flowers.  This will add depth and give your bouquet some interest!


  • Finally, secure your bouquet with floral tape or zip ties
  • Place your bouquet in a fabulous vase or wrap it in craft paper tied with ribbon or twine for the perfect delivery presentation!




6 responses to “The Perfect Mother’s Day Bouquet Tutorial

  1. These flower bouquet making tutorials are really nice. The combination of those flowers looks really stunning.

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