What is PR and What Can It Do For You?

“What can you do for me?” That’s the number one question I receive from people inquiring about our wedding PR services. My staff and I hear it multiple times a week, businesses call and want to know how we can get them more weddings, higher-end brides, ROI, TV segments as an “expert” in their field, sales increases, etc. My first question back is, do you know what PR is?

What I typically find is people don’t have a full understanding of what exactly wedding PR is and the value it provides. Perhaps the hardest part of seeing the value of PR is understanding that a lot of its value is unable to be statistically measured – industry reputation, brand awareness and relationships.. those things definitely have an effect on the amount and type of weddings you book, but it’s not as simple to calculate.

So what is wedding PR? When most people think of PR they immediately think of traditional press releases, email blasts and crisis management. While that certainly is part of it (albeit a very, very small part), people seem to forget that the second word in PR is “relations.”

PR is how you treat your clients, how you write emails, keeping up with changes in your industry, being proactive, your social media identity, being smart about press submissions,  brand messaging , handling mistakes with grace, giving back and how you treat your colleagues. Bottom line: PR is the maintenance of image and relationships between your business and the public. When you’re a small business owner, essentially everything from your daily conversations to the images you post on Instagram is PR.

No, not everyone needs full-time wedding PR representation. And no, not everyone can afford full-time PR. But that doesn’t mean you don’t need help putting together an overall PR strategy for you brand. Or look into small-scale/collaboration opportunities. One of the worst mistakes a business owner can make is to decide not to invest, time or money, into a PR strategy.

So to answer the “what can you do for me” question, there’s a lot a wedding PR strategy can do for you. It can attract new business, get your work published on blogs and in magazines,  create “buzz” around your businesses, increase your worth and put your name in front of the right people. There’s no better, more authentic way to build your brand.

xo, Leila, WeddingPR

0 responses to “What is PR and What Can It Do For You?

  1. Thank you for this pinpointed article. As a business owner, our efforts are focused on our clients, but PR is SO necessary for generating buzz around town. Great job!

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