Studio Mucci: The Tassel Making Queen

Ready for some killer business advice on the blog today!? Get ready because we have the queen of crafting, Miss Amina of Studio Mucci, telling us her story of struggle, success, and self-confidence!  It’s no secret that we love all things Studio Mucci over here and we’re so excited to get to share a little peek inside of the daily life of Amina!

Studio Mucci is the first name that pops in our heads when we think of tassels!  Tell us a little bit about how the company came to be!

Not to be dramatic but Studio Mucci totally saved my life!

About 3 years ago I found myself starting completely from scratch. Fresh from a year long treatment program for bulimia and obsessive compulsive disorder, I left my friends, family and the familiar and followed my husband to Oklahoma where he was pursuing a Phd. I had been secretly suffering with the eating disorder for about 16 years and had come close to losing my life many times. Throughout that period (basically my entire twenties) I struggled to find direction, keep a job and support myself financially. I was in a great deal of pain and believed that I would probably not live to see 30,  let alone achieve my dream of having a creative career.

So there I was in Oklahoma with virtually no money and (at 28 years old) no clue what I was going to do with my life. Thats when I decided to indulge every creative impulse that I could.  I was extremely fascinated with paper at the time, so I played around with everything from origami to paper jewelry, and found myself really taking to tissue paper.

Those first few months crafting in Oklahoma and isolation were so therapeutic for me.  On a whim, I opened an Etsy shop and listed a few of the things I had been working on… Some paper bead bracelets, crepe paper flowers, and a pink and purple tassel garland.

Tell us about your office/workspace!  What inspired the decor?

Since our studio is in our loft I really wanted to celebrate our brand while still creating a separate space for Salvatore and I. His aesthetic is very modern and minimalist  while mine is what I like to call Boho Unicorn. Our home and workspace is a combination of all of those things

What has been the most amazing opportunity you have had through Studio Mucci?

Our tassel garlands and piñata have been in the homes and weddings of celebrities, we’ve worked with some really cool companies like Fab and others. These opportunities have definitely opened so many doors for us. But the most amazing thing to me are all of the moms and women around the world who buy our items to hang in their children’s rooms or in their favorite places. I will never get over the fact that something I created is a part of so many peoples everyday lives. Its a dream come true

How did you get to the point of starting your own business?  What got you through the hard times?

Ive always been extremely stubborn and had a hard time fitting in, so I think ultimately working for myself was the only real path for me. The real magic started to happen when I learned how to use my OCD as a creative tool that could be applied to my business.  Attention to detail and perfectionism can be a gift and a curse. The fact that I started with nothing, no expectations and not much to lose was what really allowed me to take risks. I just made things up as I went. It wasn’t always easy, but in comparison to what I’d already been through the stress of starting a business was pretty manageable.

What was the best business advice you ever received that you still carry with you to this day?

Fear is not your friend.  Good business and life advice in my opinion.   I try not to make any decisions based in fear. Often the things that have been the most successful for us are the ones that I’m terrified of. Fear is different from instinct, listen to that!

Now that you have a successful business of your own, what would your advice be to women attempting to start their own company?

Be prepared to work harder than anyone you know. There really is no substitute for hard work, and not everyone will understand that. Also be true to you! I’ve never met anyone who didn’t value authenticity and no one will buy what you’re doing if you don’t.  Businesses fail, ideas can be copied, but your unique perspective and creativity is something that can never be truly duplicated. Never abandon that.

Your style is so unique and fresh…we love it!  Where do you find your inspiration for your style, both personally and for Studio Mucci?

Most of my personal style choices are born from boredom, impatience and my over active imagination. I got bored with my hair for example, and couldn’t get it to be the shade of pink that I wanted. So I walked into a craft store, found my favorite shade of pink yarn and braided it into my hair. I don’t believe in rules when it comes to self expression. But this also means that I’m willing to make a total fool of myself which I am no stranger to!

With work I take a lot of inspiration from fashion, particularly spring and resort collections. I’m also really into anything for children. Kids toys, literature, fashion is always so much more adventurous and and colorful!

How many colors has your hair been?  6 and counting!

Craziest Studio Mucci order?

Back when I was making everything single item by myself, I received  this crazy last minute order for a super secret celebrity july 4th party in Malibu. It resulted in me staying up for 36 hours in order to make about 80 patriotic tassel garlands. never again!… Well maybe.

If you could make a pinata for anyone, who would it be?  Beyonce!! or Willy Wonka

First job?  Telemarketing  for an alarm company when I was 15. worst job ever!

Current office anthem?  The B-52’s Dance this mess around

Where do you see Studio Mucci in 5 years?

The sky‘s the limit! 6 months ago I really had no idea we’d have a whole team and be partnering with brands like Urban Outfitters and Free People or doing children’s apparel. So I really have no idea where we will be in 5 years and I’m ok with that because I know it will be somewhere awesome!


28 responses to “Studio Mucci: The Tassel Making Queen

  1. She is the nicest, sweetest, most amazing lady and we have her garlands in lots of rooms. I wish her the biggest brightest futer ever!

  2. Love her and her story! I’ve been following her shop for a while and absolutely love what she creates! I’m so glad her future is so bright ♥

  3. This is fabulous! I have been following Studio Mucci for a long time & have always been captivated by the great products that are made. Every single tassel looks perfected! Also, I would love to live in a studio like that!

  4. This story was so inspiring. I am so glad I read her back story. I’m late to the Studio Mucci craze. However, the tassel craze I am not late too. Her work is so beautiful. She is appears to have an electrifying personality. I can not wait to see what the next 5 years have in store for her. This just really motivates me to keep moving towards my goal of a creative work life being my own boss. Love her work.

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