Vintage Spanish Wedding Inspiration at Villa del Sol

Get ready, this Spanish wedding inspiration is full of flair! From the bold color palette to the guests of honor – a pair of wedding llamas!! – it is unique and imaginative. A few more of our favorite elements? For starters, the venue, Villa del Sol, couldn’t be more picturesque or perfect for the theme. Its grand courtyard exudes that old Spanish feel the designers at Leilani Weddings were going for, and we love all the lush greenery! Modern copper chairs and a stunning Tara Lauren gown continue to send us over the edge, but it is the combination of all these that makes this shoot extra special! We know you’ll love the Spanish wedding inspiration as much as we do…

Leilani Weddings shares…

When envisioning the design for this shoot, we were deeply inspired by the Spanish flare and vintage feel of Villa Del Sol, truly a hidden gem in the heart of Fullerton, CA. We wanted to create a Spanish-themed styled shoot with a romantic twist that evoked emotion and made you feel as if you were transported to an entirely different country. We used the venue’s lush greenery as the framework with copper details and bright florals to complete the romantic mood.

Our models had the best time drinking champagne out of vintage coupes and lounging on the intricate balcony that wraps around the entire venue. The extravagant flower crown and brightly colored lip on the bride coupled with the groom’s crisp casual look was paired perfectly with two alpacas (of course, with flower necklaces to match!) to transport you to a Spanish paradise. 


 Now, more on the alpacas. Disclaimer: They are not as easy to work with as wedding llamas seen on Pinterest! Our white alpaca was ready for her close-up, was cooperative and ready to mingle, while our black alpaca was shy and a little scared. Creative Directing live animals is no easy task! Our photo and video teams had to work quickly to get the perfect shot of them looking at camera while we coaxed and pet them, all while trying to keep our models calm and smiling. Pinterest oftentimes makes things seem so effortless when in reality, they are quite difficult! Hopefully the same can be said about these amazing images from Stephanie Weber Photography.

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