8 Back To School Must-Haves For Your Kids

The days are getting a little shorter and cooler, which means one thing – the first day back to school is right around the corner. Having been in the first day of school game for several years now, I’ve fine-tuned my must-haves list to 8 products that have helped streamline both my school day prep and my kids’ days at school. Here are the things I can’t live without!

Image via @amberfillerup

1. Mabel’s Labels nametags – Any mom that has lived through a school year knows that kids leaving and losing items at school is inevitable. After investing all that time and money into back to school shopping it’s important to give your lost goods the best chance possible at getting back to you. Enter: nametag labels. Mabel’s Labels is my go-to, they have the cutest designs and fonts, and even a new clothing stamp!! Oh, the things that excite us as moms. It’s so necessary to label every glove, boot, lunch box, jacket, bow, water bottle, book, etc. You cannot do life with kids in school without labels. Trust. They actually gave me a code for all of you too!! Enter INSPIREDBYTHIS at checkout for 10% off sitewide!

2. PlanetBox Lunch Boxes – With 3 kids all with different favorites and dislikes, these lunch boxes are my go-to because you can so easily personalize each one. These lunch boxes hold up so well, you’ll use it for years. I remember each year being excited to pick out a new lunch box, so instead, the kids pick out new magnets that are interchangeable so it feels like a whole new box! And if you’re feeling really motivated, you can even create custom ones to celebrate special occasions like holidays and birthdays. 

3. Clean Well Hand Sanitizer – Can we all agree that hand sanitizer in schools is a good idea? Yes!! A lot of schools require alcohol-free, and Clean Well is my favorite brand. I send my kids to school with the spray and the wipes, and I keep the foaming hand pump in my car. We all know the worst part of school is the colds and flu’s that get passed around. Hand sanitizer is key! 

4. Thermos Water Bottles – These are my favorite water bottles and bonus – they’re on Amazon! Mom win. I have one for each kid, and I usually buy a back up for each in case one gets left at school we always have one at home! They have so many cute patterns and all the kids’ favorite characters. 

5. Lunch Skins – I love their reusable snack bags! They are made out of paper and use velcro, so no plastic! I feel good knowing I can use them more than once and that I’m not storing my kids’ food in plastic. They also donate to a charity with every purchase. Check out their website if you want to learn more!

6. Essential Oils – These are my secret weapon!! Melody, from obsessed with essentials has been my oil guru for back to school and family wellness support for over 3 years. I don’t send my kids back to school without re-stocking all of my go-to’s. It helps so much in fighting sickness, killing germs and boosting the immune system that we don’t suffer the domino effect where we all go down when one kid brings it home. For immune-boosting and germ-killing, my favorite go-to blend is On Guard!  This powerhouse blend consists of Wild Orange, Cinnamon, Clove, Eucalyptus, and Rosemary.

Photo via @obsessedwithessentials

These oils you can diffuse to kill the germs in the air, use as a hand sanitizer, apply topically (I recommend diluting with fractionated coconut oil) and you can even take this blend internally.  For immune-boosting tea, you can do a drop of On Guard, Lemon or Wild Orange to Manuka honey and that will boost your immune system, cleanse your body and knock out anything that could be lingering. When the inevitable happens and one of your kids brings home a cold or flu, I would immediately start Oregano oil, which acts as a natural antibiotic but without any damage to your gut. My husband and I take the On Guard soft gels (a strong germ-fighting blend) to make sure we don’t get taken out too. Being a parent while healthy is hard enough! 

Photo via @obsessedwithessentials

7. Backpacks – Kids’ backpacks can be tricky. They are SO. MANY. OPTIONS. Talks about buyer’s fatigue, just the thought of backpack shopping wears me out. Just me? In case not, I’ve narrowed it down to the online stores I check first – Zara Kids, Target (duh), Pottery Barn Kids, Mommore and Vaschy. May the backpack odds be ever in your favor!

8. And for moms – A Fanny Pack – This is my new go-to! It’s like mom’s new backpack for back to school #treatyourself. I know you might be thinking “that’s SO 90’s….” buuuuuut have you seen the new ones? These are so not your mom’s fanny pack. Think pebbled leather, canvas, and chic patterns.

Still unsure about the kids going back to school? Check out this fun DIY you can do with the kiddos, and our favorite healthy back to school lunches for kids!

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