How to Meal Prep And Stick With It

Ah, the New Year. It’s the infamous “resolution time” when the gym seems to get twice as crowded and Trader Joe’s seems to sell out of kale. One of our resolutions this year is to meal prep more consistently, so we’re sharing 3 of our favorite tips on how to meal prep and stick with it! Meal prepping isn’t just for the ultra-organized and motivated, and it really is something that’s doable every single week. Get your tupperware ready, and let’s get going!

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Switch up recipes every week.

Our first tip on how to meal prep better? Change up your recipes regularly! You’re already eating the same dish a few times in one week, so avoid burnout by rotating week to week. Once you’re in the right mindset, you’ll start thinking of ways to tweak recipes you already have and you’ll develop a feel for which recipes are prep-able and which ones are better one-time meals. For example, salads are usually better fresh, but a veggie jumble with protein will taste just as good on day 2 (and 3 and 4!).

For the more advanced meal preppers (is that a thing?), try choosing 2 recipes per week to make in bulk on Sunday or Monday night. That way, you can alternate your lunches or dinners, and avoid getting “over” your dish and just going out for food instead.

Meal prep with a friend.

Just like any other resolution, it’s easier to meal prep and stay motivated with a friend! Having a partner in this journey will keep you more accountable, and it’s just plain easier to chop 14 sweet potatoes with 2 knives. If you live with your S.O. or have roommates, this step gets even easier! Otherwise, invite your bestie over, split the grocery bill, and get choppin’ on a Sunday night. It’s basically a lunch prep party!

Go for premade proteins to make prep easier.

One of the most time-consuming parts of meal prep is cooking the protein! Luckily for us, many grocery stores have delicious (& healthy) premade proteins that can remove this step altogether. We love the teriyaki & pineapple meatballs from Costco with broccoli and brown rice, or Trader Joe’s frozen grilled chicken strips on top of a salad with kale, quinoa, dried cranberries, and goat cheese. YUM!

Now that you’ve got the tactics down, try these healthy meal prep recipes and let us know what you think!

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