In the blink of an eye, your whole life can change. We all experienced this exact situation when one day we had to completely switch to remote work. Of course, we all thought that we would be back in the office sooner rather than later. But, here we are staring at our dining room table wondering if now is the time to make the switch. Have we mastered the work from home life so well, that we don’t think we want to go back to the office?! Possibly, but in true 2020 fashion, we are just rolling with it and trying to be flexible. Thankfully for our team, we had a few years of experience working both remote and in the office. With years of experience comes years of desk inspiration. So we thought we might as well make the most of our saved Instagram folder full of WFH desk selfies and share it in case you too are throwing around the idea of making it official, the home office that is.
Are you feeling inspired to make your own desk worthy of a WFH desk selfies? If so then here are a couple of our favorite amazon desk finds for you.