A Floral Installation Workshop with Layered Vintage

We’re so excited to chat with floral expert and artisan Jill Fausner of Layered Vintage on IBT today! The talented creative not only helps produce incredible events with jaw-dropping floral installations, but also hosts workshops to teach and encourage fellow florists. This one in particular was held in Seattle, and focused on floral installation designs with spring blooms all from local growers. We’re sharing the beautiful workshop as well as Jill’s story about how she got to where she is now and what’s next.

Let’s start at the beginning! What was your first job? When did you discover a passion for floral design?

I was a bank teller. I didn’t discover a passion for florals until much later in life. Not many people know that I lived in the financial world for years and it wasn’t until something tragic struck our family, that I turned to flowers as an outlet to cope.


What’s your favorite part of working in this industry?

The friends you make along the way. There are constant opportunities to collaborate with other creatives and there’s nothing like a stressful wedding or event environment to get you to bear your soul to someone in a short amount of time.  You have to laugh when you can and then celebrate when it’s all over. I couldn’t do what I do without all the amazing “friendors” out there that we get to work with!

What does your typical day look like, do you have a normal routine to get into work-mode?

We do… it’s a gradual thing so we don’t get overwhelmed! I’m usually in PJs on Mondays and Tuesdays, unless there’s a meeting we need to get cute for ;). Sometimes on Tuesday I’ll head to the market to review the floral order for the weekend. I love to checkout what is new to the season, connect with my wholesalers and hopefully see a flower friend while I’m there. Wednesday’s are when we receive our flower orders at home and start processing, AKA cleaning and conditioning them. Thursday/Fridays and some Saturdays are design days and getting ready for our event!

We love that you’re sharing your talent with other creatives who aspire to further their skills and careers! Tell us a little more about this workshop and what went on there!

We are super passionate about Installations. The inspiration was just embracing Spring and all the beautiful local flowers we had access too. Seattle has a market that only carries local growers. It’s INSANE! We also wanted to stay “foam free” and design in a natural way that did not harm the environment.

You’re one of the most creative artisans we know! Where do you find inspiration for new designs?

Everywhere. I’m inspired by architecture, running around my neighborhood, while I’m out shopping, my kids… it’s crazy how inspiration is ALL around us! We are also inspired by other creatives. Collaborating with others helps bring out some of our best work.

Are there any favorite events or themes you have worked on in the past that stand out as a favorite?

This it tough. I really love all of our events. One that still stands out happened back in the beginning when we were first starting out.  e threw a party in honor of Summer Solstice at Pow Wow Design Studio’s warehouse and everything was themed around florals. We invited 12 local floral designers and asked them to bring their favorite flower. We created a beautiful flower bar and designed for fun, for ourselves, and just had fun sharing our common love for blooms! It was magical and this was before #communityovercompetition was coined, but by definition, the party was exactly that.

What’s next for you and Layered Vintage?

We want to continue to evolve and elevate Layered Vintage and when we say that we mean we want to continue to grow our venue/vendor network, working with new people in new places and doing new things!

Coffee Order: Cinnamon Almond Milk Macciatto

Words to Live by: What goes around, comes around

Favorite Flower: Anemone

Most Memorable Read or Podcast Listened to: I’m so lame and haven’t gotten into Podcasts… I know, I’m so far behind! Favorite books are all the classics from Honors English in high school: The Great Gatsby, Wuthering Heights, The Grapes of Wrath, To Kill a Mockingbird… how dorky am I?


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