How to Eat Healthy During the Holidays (It’s Possible!)

Whether you’re hosting your own or attending five, ‘tis the season for holiday parties! We work hard the rest of the year on eating healthily and taking care of our bodies, but our motivation often falls to the wayside when holiday dishes and festive desserts come into the picture. We reached out to wellness coach and nutrition expert, Dana Kofsky of Wellness Styled, for her tips on how to eat healthy during the holidays!

1. Eat before you go! – “One of the most important suggestions I make for my clients is to go into parties having already eaten something beforehand,” says Dana. “If you’re starving when you get there, you’re more likely to overeat or make choices that aren’t optimal for your body!”

2. BYOHD (Bring your own healthy dish!) – If you’re going to a potluck-style party, Dana recommends opting for a healthy recipe! “One of my favorite easy ways to stay on track is to bring a healthy entertaining dish with you, like vegan pumpkin fudge or cauliflower stuffing.”

3. Use a plate. – “Don’t graze,” Dana stresses. “Put everything you want on a plate so you can really see what you’re eating and avoid going back for seconds.”

4. Listen to your body! – It doesn’t have to be all or nothing. Dana says, “I think the holidays are a perfect opportunity for people to indulge without overindulging.” In other words, “If you want a slice of pumpkin pie, have a small piece and eat it slowly. Really enjoy it, and feel the effects it has on your body!”

We don’t know about you, but we feel ready to take on the season with a healthy mindset and motivation! What are your favorite tools for staying healthy during the holidays?

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