PR Tips 101: Your Bottom Line-Booking Better business



The goal, premise and bottom line of all of your hard work is booking business! You may be racking up kudos and karma points but if your client list isn’t growing or dare I say dwindling, you need a little kick in the rear! This isn’t about just being a capitalist, but  about growing your business which is after all a manifestation of what you love right? You may be at a different place in this booking journey and find that although you are booking new business, you are booking the same type of client over and over and specifically not the type you dreamed of when you started your business.

If this happening to you but you’re not sure where you took a wrong turn or how to get back on the right path, I have the questions and answers that may help you!

1) What type of business do you want?  Be sure to align yourself with the right vendors who are going to help you get there. Working with the right brands and people are essential in any business.

2) What is your price point? Make sure you aren’t charging too much or that you are charging enough to get the type of clients you want to book. And ask yourself does your work reflect this price you have placed on it?

3) Do you have a strategic system you have put in place? A method to handling new client inquires, new client meetings, contracts, and your pitch? Being all over the board isn’t going to help you narrow in on what you want and for you to get it. Lay out the plan for how you will go about new business and how to book them. The better your business is built, the better brides you’ll get.

Don’t we wish we all looked so happy, carefree and cute while we work trying to book new business?

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xo, Leila, WeddingPR


6. its about increasingthe preception of your value by having press palcement-mags, quotes, tv, blogs, featured weddings, How do you do this: submit your work to get placed,leverage placement byassociating your brand with respected media brands-such as the Knot, inside weddings, destination…pics- screen shots of people who have good press placement * everything else must be in place before this step if you want the media to take you seriously

0 responses to “PR Tips 101: Your Bottom Line-Booking Better business

  1. My problem isn’t getting the clients I want, it’s getting clients in general. My financial resources have been tapped out and I don’t know what else to do!

  2. Thank you for this post Leila, it is right on time for me. Great thought provoking questions that I need to answer and implement ASAP!

  3. Thanks for laying it out simply. It’s all stuff I know, but I sure do need to hear it again and again, because I get caught up in the details and forget to take in the big picture.

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