They Said No… Now What…?

Sometimes we get turned down. People may say they aren’t interested in featuring your product or service that your wedding business may offer, or that you don’t have realistic goals. It happens to me too. That’s ok.

We can’t control how they will respond to our efforts, our emails, our communication, but what we can control is what we chose to do about it. What we need to know is what to do when someone says no. So they closed the door our face, they said, “Unfortunately, I’m going to have to pass.” Now what? Now we need to decide where we are going to open up our new window.

If you put everything you’ve got into a photo shoot, the design of wedding, your new website, etc.. and editors, vendors, and others critique you or don’t like it, it’s time for you to think about who you’re sending your work to. Who do you want to form relationships with? Who do you want to be working with? Maybe that rejection is a great way to get thicker skin and to empower you to pick yourself up, dust yourself off and realize it’s actually better this way. Now you can give the best of who you are to someone else!

That’s what I do. I look at every “NO” and every closed opportunity or lack of communication as a message to remind myself who I want to be working with and aligning my brand with. I choose to support brands, media, and vendors who also believe in supporting me back. You should too!

If they say no, or even worse, don’t say anything at all, you can decide to say “Ok! I’m moving on.” Someone who believes in what you create and what you can offer will be a better fit for you in the end.

Open your own windows and walk away from that shut door. Free yourself from not dwelling on what could have been, but looking forward to what can be.

Photo by Elizabeth Messina

0 responses to “They Said No… Now What…?

  1. This is a great post. And trust me, as I new blogger, I also get the same feelings every week that goes by without receiving a wedding/ engagement/styled shoot submission. You wonder if there is something wrong with you, but then I realise that realistically I can’t expect people to want to submit to a new blog that offers limited exposure compared to the most popular ones. It’s a catch 22, because sometimes it only takes one or two photographers to send you their work to begin seeing a huge lift your profile. But whenever I feel down about it, I reason that this is just the beginning and new opportunities will come up. Maybe not through photographers. Maybe a bride I know. Maybe new suppliers with great products! Who knows… Wishing you all the best! x Betta

  2. Oh my goodness this is so perfect to read right now! I have so many personal/gogeous weddings I want to submit to blogs, and I keep getting a “no” even though they are more meaningful and fun than the normal vintage wedding they post. It’s hard not to give up or get down, BUT now I know they are going to just find the right blog to be featured on who will appreciate it:-) THANKS!

  3. I swear this post was written just for me, at this time during my business. I feel that there have been so many “NO’s” in the wedding industry concerning plus size brides and body image but it seems that with all those NO’s the Yes’s are definitely starting to come in a big way. Thanks so much for the inspiration and vote of confidence that it does happen to the best of us!!

  4. Great reminder! We are all going to hear the word “no” from time to time. It’s what we do after we hear it that matters.

  5. thank you for this message Leila.
    it really helps…
    wish you the best.

    Geetanand Kaur

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