The Cheapest Route? Hire a Professional!

“If you think it’s expensive to hire a professional to do the job, wait until you hire an amateur.” –Red Adair

After all the excitement of the proposal and when the engagement party is over, it’s time to get down to business and start discussing budget for your big day…definitely not one of the best parts about planning a wedding!  We know that many brides and grooms-to-be want to be smart financially as they begin their life together and the DIY route seems like the smartest option.  We can’t stress enough how false this can be!  Hiring a wedding planner will be the best move you will make for your special day, hands down.  These people are professionals and can not only help you create a budget, but stick to it…it’s what they do best!  Many couples that decide to do it all themselves end up underestimating certain details and overpaying for others.  A planner will be able to refer you to other professionals that are in your budget and guide you on the DIY projects that are feasible and budget-friendly.  Instead of guessing your way through the process, set aside part of your budget for a planner.  They will be your sounding board, stress reliever, and encouragement along the way…we promise!

Wedding professionals and business owners…the same goes for you!  You’re great about giving this advice to your clients but when it comes to your own business, you think you can do it all alone.  We know you are all great at being renaissance men and women with all types of secret talents but this can get you in over your head.  Projects like website design, business cards, and even public relations are better left to the ones who specialize in those areas.  It’s better to put a little bit of your budget towards getting it done right the first time instead of using time and energy towards something that is not your area of expertise.

Whether you’re planning the biggest day of your life or wanting to make an improvement to your business, hiring a professional to do their job will be the best money you have ever spent!

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