Family and a TeePee

Babies and puppies are the two cutest things ever! Put them together in this shoot with family and a TeePee, and you have magic. Fiona is an adorable one-year-old full of smiles and giggles, and she looks like she’s having a blast! I love how casual the entire family is. It’s like they captured just another fun day in the park, hanging out and enjoying each other’s company. The TeePee is such a precious addition to the shoot; Fiona’s mom, Dorothy, even made it herself! This shoot was a family affair, and Caroline Tran perfectly photographed the happiness all of them had that day!

I really love shooting one year olds. If you can’t tell, I have a lot of fun with them. I actually met Fiona when she was still inside her mommy’s tummy at Sarah & Raymond’s Cafe Pinot wedding. It’s crazy to see the adorable little one year old she is today! We brainstormed several ideas, but when Dorothy told me that she made Fiona a teepee, I HAD to shoot it! I convinced them to lug out this big teepee and I’m so glad we did. One of my favorite kid sessions yet!

Be Prepared to Be Inspired…


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